Frequently Asked Questions
That depends on what you need done and the value SCS can bring to your organization. SCS primarily works on a project fee or retainer basis. We prefer not to work on an hourly basis since the time spent working on a project does not determine its quality or value. Furthermore, by setting a fixed fee in advance, there are no worries about unexpectedly high bills or feeling like our conversations are “on the clock.” In keeping with the ethical standards of the profession, we never work for a percentage-based commission.
Are you a “grantwriter”?
Yes, we write proposals to be submitted to grant making agencies. But we (and many other consultants) do not like that term. Why? Well, it makes it seem as if grant seeking is primarily a writing task. Very often, writing is the easy part of grant development. The term “grantwriter” is kind of like calling the guy who sticks the flag on the surface of the moon the “flag sticker.” A good grant consultant can improve your programs and strengthen your organization. Plus, we offer strategic planning, research and evaluation services as well.
We are a start-up organization and can’t afford a grantwriter. Can we pay you after we receive some grants?
The short answer is, “No.” Most grantors will not allow you to pay for the cost of applying to them for funding, and, since many factors out of our control determine whether or not a grant is made, we cannot operate this way. Our two main suggestions for start-ups are: 1) Don’t focus on grants. Build your Board of Directors and base of community support that will keep you going for years and years. 2) If you insist on pursuing grants, do it yourself. There is no mystery. We recommend beginning with The Grantsmanship Center’s booklet “Program Planning & Proposal Writing” available at
What kind of grants do you write?
SCS has experience with many types of organizations and funders (including numerous government agencies). Please contact us if you would like more information on the organizations we have served and the funders we have worked with.
Ask A Question: SCS is happy to answer any questions you may have about us, about grants in general, about nonprofit organizations, anything! Write to us at